Xylem System 5000 BASIC Manual User Manual
Page 29

Basic Commands and Functions
Returns the provided Task’s most recent measured value. If an unknown Task is specified,
the System 5000™ Default Error String (default is -99.99) is returned. If previous a Task/scan
measurement is desired, an additional parameter may be specified prior to the last variable. A “1”
indicates the most recent scan, “2” indicates the previous scan, “3” indicates three scans prior, etc.
GETTASK “myTask”, var
REM prints “0.023”, as myTask currently measures Analog 1
REM Average the last four scans
task$ = “myTask”
FOR i = 1 to 4
GETTASK task$ i, tempVal
avg = avg + tempVal
avg = avg/4
PRINT “myTask avg: “, avg REM prints the average of the last four scans
Returns the provided Task’s most recent measured value timestamp formatted according to the
system setup (default is MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS). If an unknown Task is specified, the System
5000™ Default Error String (default is -99.99) is returned. If previous a Task/scan measurement
timestamp is desired, an additional parameter may be specified prior to the last variable. A “1”
indicates the most recent scan timestamp, “2” indicates the previous scan timestamp, “3” indicates
three scans prior timestamp, etc.
GETTASK “myTask”, var
GETTIMESTAMP “myTask”, var_time$
PRINT var_time$, “ “, var
REM prints the timestamp and value of myTask
Used to request a new measurement from the System 5000™. Available parameters are ACIN
(AC-In), ANALOGX (Analog), DIFFXX (Differential), BATT (Battery), DIGITALX (Digital Port Level),
FREQUENCYX (Frequency), COUNTERX (Event Counter), QUADXX (Quadrature Counter), SDIXX
or SDIXXX, TEMP (Internal Temperature), and 420MA (4-20mA Output). For analog and digital
measurements, X is a number indicating the requested port or channel. An optional SLOTX may
be specified for option cards (if not, the daughterboard is presumed). For SDI measurements, the
first X is the sensor address, the remaining X or XX is the requested parameter number. An optional
string may follow the SDI request specifying a measurement type, which if not specified, defaults
to “M”. Note that SDI-12 performs caching on measurement commands. Thus if a measurement
has already been requested for that time period, the previous values will be returned (rather than
requesting a new measurement). To force a new measurement, use the CLEARSDI( ) function to
clear the SDI cache. Lastly, a variable (either string or number) must be specified to store the
result. If an error is encountered the System 5000™ Default Error String (default is -99.99)
is returned.