Xylem System 5000 BASIC Manual User Manual
Page 31

Basic Commands and Functions
Jumps to the specified label or line number within the program. Unlike GOSUB, GOTO statements
never return back to the point of the GOTO and thus have no RETURN statement. Subroutines,
defined with the SUB command, cannot be exited with the GOTO statement.
REM Only prints “Volume: 60” as the GOSUB statement is never reached
h = 3
w = 4
d = 5
GOTO 100
GOSUB ComputeArea
PRINT “Area: “, area REM prints “Area: 12”
LABEL ComputeArea
area = h * w
volume = h * w * d
PRINT “Volume: “, volume REM prints “Volume: 60”
Returns the temperature, in degrees Celsius, of the given number (expecting a 0-5V analog
voltage reading) based on the math equation for the WaterLog model H-377 temperature probe.
var = H377C(3.25) REM stores 23.1499
H377C (number)
Returns the temperature, in degrees Fahrenheit, of the given number (expecting a 0-5V analog
voltage reading) based on the math equation for the WaterLog model H-377 temperature probe.
var = H377F(3.25) REM stores 73.6698
H377F (number)
Returns the ascii-hexadecimal representation of the given number as a string.
var = 32
hex_var$ = HEX$(var)
REM stores “20”
HEX$ (number)
A parameter to the DATETIME function returning a two-digit number representation of the current
hour, formatted as HH.
var = DATETIME(HOURS) REM stores 5, inferring the 5th hour