Cell constant, Calibration, Temperature – YSI Pro1030 User Manual

Page 11: Ph calibration, Factory default, Temperature ph calibration

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Next, use the up or down arrow keys to adjust the shut off time from 0
to 60 minutes. Press enter to save the new shutoff time. Next, highlight
the ESC-Exit box and press enter to close the submenu.

To disable Auto Shutoff, set the Time in Minutes to 0 (zero).

cell constant

The Cell Constant displays the cell constant of the conductivity cell.
The cell constant is calculated and updated each time a conductivity
calibration is performed. The cell constant range is 4.0 to 6.0. Resetting
the System Menu resets the cell constant to 5.0.

resettIng the systeM setUp MenU and

cell constant to factory defaUlt

To reset the Pro1030 settings and conductivity cell constant back to
factory default, press the down arrow key while in the System Setup
menu until the Reset - box is highlighted, then press enter. The
instrument will prompt you to confirm the reset. Highlight Yes and
press enter to continue with the reset or highlight No and press enter
to cancel the reset. A Factory Reset will not affect data saved in the
instrument’s memory.

The following will be set in the Pro1030 after performing a reset:


Reset Defaults




Set to mid range

Temperature Units


ISE Sensor Type


ISE Units


ISE Auto Stable

off (0.0 % Change

and 10 seconds)

pH Buffer Set


Conductivity Units

cond mS/cm and spc mS/cm


Reset Defaults

Conductivity Auto Stable

off (0.0 % Change

and 10 seconds)

SPC Reference Temperature


SPC Temperature Coefficient


TDS Constant




Auto Shutoff

30 minutes

Conductivity Cell Constant


pH Calibration

Factory default

C A L I B R A T I o N


All Pro1030 cables have built-in temperature sensors. Temperature
calibration is not required nor is it available.

ph calIBratIon

The Pro1030 pH sensor can be calibrated by performing a 1, 2 or 3-point
calibration. At least one of the calibration points must be done with
pH buffer 7 or 6.86. For auto buffer recognition to work properly with
an older or dirty sensor, calibrate in buffer 7 or 6.86 first. For highest
accuracy, use fresh, traceable pH buffers and ensure the sensor and
calibration vessel are clean.


1. Place the sensor in pH buffer 7 or 6.86 and allow the temperature

and pH readings to stabilize.

2. Press and hold Cal

for three seconds.

3. Highlight pH and press enter. If pH is not listed as an option,

check the System Setup menu to ensure pH is enabled in the
ISE Sensor Type menu.

4. Highlight 1 point and press enter.
5. If necessary, use the up and down arrow keys to adjust the pH

buffer value. Note the pH mV reading which ideally should be
between -50 and +50 in buffer 7.

6. Press enter to complete the calibration or press Cal

to cancel.