YSI 58 User Manual
Page 33

PROBE SPECIFICATIONS (YSI 5739, 5905, 5239, 5718 AND 5750 PROBES)
Cathode: Gold
Anode: Silver
.001” FEP Teflon
.0005” FEP Teflon available, YSI 5776
Electrolyte for the 5739, 5718, and 5750 probes: KCL with Kodak Photo-Flo
Electrolyte for the 5905, 5239 probes: KCl with NA
Dissolved Oxygen Accuracy:
± 0.1 mg/L or ± 1% of reading, whichever is greater
Operating Temperature Range: 15° to 35°C
Temperature Sensitivity: When measuring oxygen, the probe output current increases
approximately 3.5% per 1°C of increase in temperature. The circuitry automatically compensates for
this effect in a typical probe. However, the exact temperature sensitivity of an individual probe may
vary slightly according to its condition. Therefore, a probe should be calibrated at a temperature close
to the measurement temperature in order to minimize the possible effect of such variation.
Temperature Sensor Accuracy: + 0.2°C
Pressure Compensation: Effective 0.5% of reading with pressures to 100 psi (230 feet of seawater)
Polarizing Voltage: 0.8 volts nominal
Probe Current: Air at 30°C, 19 microamps nominal
Nitrogen at 30°C, 15 microamps or less
Probe Response Time: Typical response for temperature and dissolved oxygen readings is 90% in
10 seconds at a low constant temperature of 30°C with the 5775 membrane. DO response and low
temperature and low DO is typically 90% in 30 seconds. YSI 5776 High Sensitivity membranes may
be used to improve response at low temperature and DO concentrations.
YSI Incorporated
YSI 58 DO Meter