2 5700-series probe care, Gold cathode, Silver anode – YSI 58 User Manual
Page 23: 4 probe storage, 1 5905 and 5239 probe storage, 2 5700 series probe storage, 5700-series probe care, 4 probe, Storage, 5905 and 5239 probe storage

It is normal for a dark layer of silver chloride to cover the silver anode. After prolonged use it may
become necessary to clean the anode. Soak the probe in a 14% ammonium hydroxide solution for 2 to
3 minutes or overnight in a 3% ammonium hydroxide solution. Rinse with deionized water, recharge
with electrolyte, and install a new membrane.
Inspect the gold cathode when changing the membrane; it should be bright and untarnished. If it is
untarnished, which can result from contact with certain gases, or plated with silver, which can result
from extended use with a loose or wrinkled membrane, clean it with a YSI 5680 Probe
Reconditioning Kit, or return it to an authorized YSI Repair Center. Never use chemicals or any
abrasive other than that supplied with the Reconditioning Kit.
If the silver anode becomes contaminated, successful calibration can be prevented. Soak the probe
overnight in a 3% ammonia solution; rinse with deionized water, and follow the steps to install a new
membrane. If it is not possible to calibrate, return the probe to an authorized YSI Repair Center.
For long term storage (4 weeks), remove the membrane, thoroughly rinse the sensor with deionized or
distilled water and install a new membrane. Store the sensor in a humid environment such as the
calibration chamber with the wet sponge inside. Do NOT store the probe dry.
5.4.1 5905 AND 5239 PROBE STORAGE
When the probe is not in use, store the probe in a BOD bottle containing at least 1 inch of water. For
long-term storage, remove the membrane cap, rinse the probe tip with deionized water, and install a
dry membrane cap (without electrolyte solution).
Store the field probes in the plastic bottle provided. To keep the electrolyte from drying out, place a
small piece of moist towel or sponge in the bottle and insert the probe in one end. Store the BOD
probe in a BOD bottle containing at least an inch of water. Do not immerse the probe in water.
YSI Incorporated
YSI 58 DO Meter