Calendar – Acer AOA150 User Manual
Page 42

Click Import and wait for the import to complete. The vCards you
selected will be imported into the ACS Contact List and saved in the
General address book.
Export contact vCard
Export selected contacts
Select contacts/group you want to export.
Choose File/Export selected...
Or, right-click on Contact List and select Export as vCard.
Select the export destination folder.
Click Export and the contacts/group members will be exported.
Export all contacts from a specific address book
Select the address book you want to export.
Choose File -> Export all...
Or, right-click on Address Book List and select Export.
Select the export destination folder.
Click Export and all contacts/group members belonging to the
address book will be exported.
Set an appointment
You can set an appointment in several ways:
Create an event from the calendar display view