Acer Aspire V3-772G User Manual

Page 14

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14 - Safety and comfort

Finding your comfort zone
Find your comfort zone by adjusting the viewing angle of the monitor, using a footrest, or
raising your sitting height to achieve maximum comfort. Observe the following tips:

- Refrain from staying too long in one fixed posture.
- Avoid slouching forward and/or leaning backward.
- Stand up and walk around regularly to remove the strain on your leg muscles.
- Take short rests to relax your neck and shoulders.
- Avoid tensing your muscles or shrugging your shoulders.
- Install the external display, keyboard and mouse properly and within comfortable


- If you view your monitor more than your documents, place the display at the center

of your desk to minimize neck strain.

Taking care of your vision
Long viewing hours, wearing incorrect glasses or contact lenses, glare, excessive room
lighting, poorly focused screens, very small typefaces and low-contrast displays could
stress your eyes. The following sections provide suggestions on how to reduce eyestrain.

- Rest your eyes frequently.
- Give your eyes regular breaks by looking away from the monitor and focusing on a

distant point.

- Blink frequently to keep your eyes from drying out.


- Keep your display clean.
- Keep your head at a higher level than the top edge of the display so your eyes point

downward when looking at the middle of the display.

- Adjust the display brightness and/or contrast to a comfortable level for enhanced text

readability and graphics clarity.