Advanced menu, 11 configuring the bios, Default cpu speed [1400 mhz] (display field) – Asus M2E User Manual

Page 11: Max cpu speed [1400 mhz] (display field), Ext. cpu frequency [100, Dram timing [normal, Internal touchpad [enabled, I/o device configuration (described on next page)

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Configuring the BIOS


Default CPU Speed [1400 MHz] (display field)

This displays the normal speed of the Notebook PC’s CPU.

Max CPU Speed [1400 MHz] (display field)

This displays the current speed of the Notebook PC’s CPU in case overclocking was made.

Ext. CPU Frequency [100]

This sets the current external CPU frequency. You can select higher frequencies in order to overclock the
CPU (increase performance). Be aware that overclocking the CPU will put increased stress on the CPU
which may cause computer crashes or shortened life of the CPU. The configuration options are: [100]...[140]

Dram Timing [Normal]

This sets the current memory frequency. You can select slower or faster frequencies in order to decrease
or increase performance. Be aware that overclocking the memory will put increased stress on the memory
which may cause computer crashes or shortened life of the memory. The configuration options are:
[Safe] [Normal] [Fast] [Extreme]

Internal Touchpad [Enabled]

This allows you to turn ON or OFF the Notebook PC’s built-in touchpad. Some external pointing
devices have extra functions that may not function without turning OFF the Notebook PC’s touchpad.
The configuration options are: [Enabled] [Disabled]

>I/O Device Configuration (described on next page)

Pressing [Enter] when this field is highlighted calls up a sub-menu for configuring the Notebook PC’s
serial and parallel ports.

Advanced Menu

Selecting Advanced from the main menu bar displays the Advanced menu as shown below.

I t e m S p e c i f i c H e l p

D e f a u l t C P U S p e e d

1 4 0 0 M H z

M a x C P U S p e e d

1 4 0 0 M H z

E x t . C P U F r e q u e n c y

[ 1 0 0 ]

D r a m Ti m i n g

[ N o r m a l ]

I n t e r n a l To u c h p a d

[ E n a b l e d ]

I / O D e v i c e C o n f i g u r a t i o n

< E n t e r > t o g o t o t h e

s u b - m e n u .