Asus Xonar D-Kara User Manual
Page 44
ASUS Xonar D-Kara PCI 5.1 Audio Card
Q2. Why can I hear and record sound from other recording devices when
Wave/Digital is selected in Record on Windows Vista?
Unlike Windows XP, Windows Vista manages multiple audio devices and
audio streams, identifying them as either Digital Input or Analog Input. This
approach allows for multiple recording devices to run simultaneously in
Windows Vista. Wave In or SPDIF-In, considered as a Digital Input, is an
independent recording device from Analog Devices such as Mic In, Line In,
or Aux In. Therefore, if you have analog inputs other than Wave In in use
and set to be monitored, you are able to hear and even record sound from
those analog devices even if Wave In / SPDIF-In is selected as the default
recording device.
Turn off the monitoring function for analog input devices if you only prefer to
hear and record Wave In / SPDIF-In sound.
Q3. Why are sound effects not available when playing 96K sound sources?
The sound effects feature in the Xonar D-Kara currently supports standard
44.1K and 48KHz sound sources. However, users are assured of high fidelity
playback for 96K sound sources. This is the common setup professional
audiophiles and musicians prefer.
Sound effects can still be applied by using commercial or free audio
editing software to convert the sound files to 48KHz. Please note that the
frequency meter on the Xonar D-Kara Audio Center will not take effect when
the playback source is at a 96KHz sample rate to prevent any processing
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