Asus DSBF-DM/SAS User Manual

Page 100

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Chapter 4: BIOS setup

The following items appear only if you set the Com Port Address item to

[On-board COM1 port] or [On-board COM2 port].

Baud Rate [57.6K]

Allows you to enable the specified baud rate.

Configuration options: [300] [1200] [2400] [9600] [19.2K] [38.4K] [57.6K] [115.2K]

Console Type [VT-UTF8]

Allows you to enable the specified console type.

Configuration options: [VT100] [VT100, 8bit] [PC-ANSI, 7bit] [PC ANSI] [VT100+]


Flow Control [None]

Allows you to select the flow control for console redirection.

Configuration options: [None] [XON/XOFF] [CTS/RTS]

Continue C.R. after POST: [On]

Set this item to [On] if you want console redirection to continue after the operating

system has loaded. Configuration options: [Off] [On]

# of video pages to support: [1]

Allows you to set the number of video pages to allocate for console redirection

when the video hardware is not available. Press <-> or <+> to set the value, or

enter the value using the numeric keypad. Configuration options: [1] ~ [8]

This manual is related to the following products: