Asus S82A/S86A User Manual
Page 71
5. Configuring the BIOS
Display Expansion: [Enabled]
When running MS-DOS or DOS applications under Windows, the image on the computer display may
not fill the entire display panel. To stretch the DOS image so that it fills the entire screen, set this
function to enabled. Using this function will decrease the stretched image’s resolution so it may appear
slightly fuzzy. Set this field to disabled for normal display. The configuration options are: [Disabled]
Internal Pointing Device: [Enabled]
This field allows you to enable or disable the internal pointing device. The configuration options are:
[Disabled] [Enabled]
QuickBoot Mode: [Enabled]
When enabled, the system skips certain tests and boots up faster then normal. Disabled is used for
testing purposes. The configuration options are: [Disabled] [Enabled]
CPU PSN Protection: [Disabled]
The processor serial number (PSN) is used by high security applications to identify the computer.
When enabled, software such as eCommerce applications can access the serial number instead of the
user having to type a password or in combination to a simple password. Passwords that are too short
have a security risk and passwords that are too long can be easily forgotten. This function is normally
disabled because some users do not want to disclose themselves over the Internet. If you give your
personal information over the Internet, your information will be matched to the PSN. Internet sites with
your information can then identify you using your PSN by matching it to your account information.
The configuration options are: [Disabled] [Enabled]