Asus WL-520G User Manual

WL-520g Quick Reference Guide
1. Package Contents .........................................................3
2. Connecting ADSL Modem and Wireless Router ........5
1) Cable Connection ..................................................5
2) Status Indicators ...................................................6
3. Clients Setup:
Example: Installing WL-167g USB WLAN Adapter ....7
4. Router and Client Wireless Connection Setup .........11
1) Utility Installation for WL-520g .............................11
2) EZSetup (default) ................................................14
3) EZSetup (customized) .........................................17
5. Configuring the Wireless Router ...............................20
1) Connecting the ASUS Wireless Router ...............20
2) Setting IP address for Wired and Wireless .............
Connection ..........................................................21
3) Configuring the Wireless Router ..........................23
6. Commonly Used Features ..........................................24
1) How to Setup Encryption .....................................24
2) Setting up a Server in Your LAN ..........................27
3) Setting up Switching Hub & Pure AP (not IP Share
NAT) ....................................................................28