Secondary ide (sub-menu) – Asus A1F User Manual
Page 71
4. Using the Notebook PC
Secondary IDE (sub-menu)
This field is used to configure the secondary IDE drive installed in the system. To configure a hard disk
drive, select this sub-menu from the Main menu and press the Enter key to enter this sub-menu.
The fields and options on this sub-menu are the same as the previous menu described earlier. Set the
type as CD-ROM in this field to support an inserted CD-ROM or DVD drive module.
NOTE: After using the legend keys to make your selections in this sub-menu, press
the [Esc] key to return to the Main menu.
I t e m S p e c i f i c H e l p
Secondary IDE [TOSHIBA DVD-ROM SD-C2402]
Ty p e
[ A u t o ]
P I O M o d e
[ 4 ]
U LT R A D M A M o d e
[ 2 ]
< E n t e r > t o s e l e c t t h e
t y p e o f t h e I D E d r i v e .
[ U s e r Ty p e H D D ] a l l o w s
y o u t o s e t e a c h e n t r y o n
y o u r o w n .
WARNING: Ultra DMA mode
3 / 4 c a n b e e n a b l e d o n l y
w h e n B I O S d e t e c t s
s h i e l d e d 8 0 - p i n c a b l e .
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