Main menu, System time, System date – Asus A1F User Manual
Page 67
4. Using the Notebook PC
NOTE: In the following BIOS item descriptions, the item headings in square brackets
represent the default settings for those fields.
System Time:
Sets your system to the time that you specify (usually the current time). The format is hour, minute,
second. Insert the appropriate information. Use the [Tab] or [Shift Tab] keys to move between the hour,
minute, and second fields.
System Date:
Sets your system to the date that you specify (usually the current date). The format is month, day, year.
Type in the appropriate information. Use the [Tab] or [Shift Tab] keys to move between the month, day,
and year fields.
>Primary IDE (described later)
>Secondary IDE (described later)
I t e m S p e c i f i c H e l p
System Time:
System Date:
Diskette A
[1.44M, 3.5 in.]
Primary IDE
[IBM-D J S A - 2 1 0 ]
Secondary IDE
Video Display Type
Video RAM Size
CPU Type
Intel Pentium III
CPU Speed
650 MHz / 100MHz
Installed Memory
64 MB / 100 MHz
< E n t e r > t o s e l e c t f i e l d ;
< + > , < - > t o c h a n g e v a l u e .
Main Menu
When the Setup program is accessed, the main menu screen appears as shown: