Dayton Audio OmniMic V2 Precision Measurement System User Manual
Page 24

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If you set any of the EQ sections to Auto, then the form will further expand to show buttons and limit settings that
the Omnimic program will use to automatically optimize the filters to approach the target response shape. Two
buttons are at the bottom of the expanded form, "Reset Auto values and Opt" and "Optimize from current values".
You would use the first if you want OmniMic to distribute the available filters over the range and start a new
optimization. You can use the second when the current settings (from a previous optimization or from manually
set values of certain sections) are to be used as the starting point for further optimization. You can interrupt
optimization at any time by using the "Stop Optimizing" button that will appear during optimization. The "err" value
is a number that shows the progress of the equalization, so you can tell whether the optimizer is "stuck" (and may
need some manual intervention) or is still making good headway. Often a better solution will be found if you stop
optimization and then restart with the "Optimize from current values" button several times.
The filter settings can be applied manually to parametric equalizer units (you may need to convert Q to Bandwidth
using the formula BW=Frequency/Q). For equalizers such as MiniDSP which accept biquad filter coefficients, use
the "View/Export Biquads" button to export a file which can be directly imported. See