Dayton Audio OmniMic V2 Precision Measurement System User Manual
Page 17

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If you spread the time axis out to full length, you can also use the Wavelet Spectrogram for viewing room reflections and
the frequency ranges over which they predominate.
Features of the Waterfall Displays
For CSD and TES type waterfalls, the top of the screen reference line is set by the largest feature over the
selected frequency range. Both types also allow selection of an "EQ flat" function that adjusts gain at each
frequency, as if an ideal equalizer were applied. Time is shown on the "depth" axis. You can click at the end of a
line trace on the labeled axes (time for CSD, frequency for Toneburst) to highlight the single line in a waterfall plot
for easier reading.
For CSD and TES, the position where you click within the Impulse Response graph below determines the length
of the waterfall calculation, starting from 0ms..
For the Wavelet Spectrograms, the red color indicates the highest decibel level in the frequency range. The "EQ
flat" button can be used so that red instead indicates the highest level at each frequency (in effect, what would be
obtained if the speaker could be equalized flat without affecting its phase). Impulse response windowing
will not have an effect on Wavelet Spectrogram displays.
The three dimensions (intensity, frequency, and time) of the graph can be adjusted as desired for display
As with the rest of the OmniMic graphs, there are buttons provided for both taking Snapshots of graphs or for
sending copies of the screen display to a printer (if installed on your computer).
Often selection of the Log format display of the Impulse Response graph below will allow for easier location of
strong reflections.
To return to the normal Frequency Response page of OmniMic, click on the "Return to FR" menu button.