Registration & authorization – Universal Audio Apollo User Manual
Page 18

Apollo Hardware Manual
Registration & Authorization
Registration & Authorization
Simplified procedures for registration and authorization are in this manual. For complete and detailed
procedures, refer to the UAD System Manual.
Apollo must be registered and authorized at to unlock its UAD-2 functionality. Apollo can be
used as a “regular” audio interface (bypassing all UAD-2 plug-in features) without registration and
authorization. Unlicensed UAD-2 plug-ins can be used in demo mode for 14 days without authorization.
Registration only needs to be completed once, however authorization must be completed each time the UAD
software is updated. Apollo, like all UAD-2 devices, stores its authorization and UAD licenses in the device
itself, so the unit can be connected to a different computer without repeating the authorization process.
Important: Registration and authorization can only be accomplished after successful software installation.
Registration & Authorization Procedure
Registration is part of the initial authorization process (it’s not a separate procedure). Note that the following
steps require an Internet connection to the host computer. To authorize from a system that is not online, see the
UAD System Manual which is included on disk and copied to boot drive during installation.
To register and authorize Apollo when connected to the Internet:
1. Ensure that the Apollo software is installed and Apollo is powered up and connected to the computer
via FireWire or Thunderbolt (the hardware and software systems must be communicating properly).
2. Open the UAD Meter & Control Panel application. It can be accessed from the Dock (Mac)
or Start Menu (Windows).
3. Open the Plug-Ins panel. Access the panel by typing ⌘+P (Mac) or Ctrl+P (Windows).
4. Click the “Authorize Plug-Ins…” button to begin the registration/authorization process. Follow the
onscreen instructions.
5. Double-click the authorization file that is automatically downloaded. The authorization is loaded into
Apollo, and after a few seconds the “Authorizations Updated Successfully” window appears.
Registration and authorization is complete and Apollo is ready for use.
What Next?
• See “About Apollo Documentation” on page 7 to learn how to find the information you need.
• Contact our technical support team (see page 8) if you need assistance.