Channel operation (preamp + cue mixer), Cue mixer & vu meter operation – Universal Audio DCS-RP Manual User Manual
Page 9

2-Channel Operation (Preamp + Cue Mixer)
Switches the Channel A Preamp GAIN knob to control the Channel B Preamp GAIN by the same dB
amount. The Channel B Preamp GAIN knob becomes disabled until STEREO is switched off. When
STEREO is switched off, the Channel B Preamp GAIN knob becomes active again.
In the Cue Mixer, the STEREO switch causes the A TO CUE knob to control the B TO CUE level in the same
manner as the Preamp GAIN (see above). The Channel A Preamp feeds the left REVERB inputs and Cue
Mixer outputs and the Channel B Preamp feeds the right.
MS-STEREO Switches the Preamp and Cue Mixer to operate in MS-STEREO mode ("MS" is short for Middle-Side) by
turning on the STEREO and A+B switches simultaneously. The Preamp GAIN controls operate
independently with Channel A GAIN setting the Middle mic level and Channel B GAIN setting the Side mic
level. The A TO CUE knob controls the MS-STEREO level to the Cue Mixer while the B TO CUE knob is
disabled (in the same manner as in STEREO mode - see above).
To properly utilize MS-STEREO feature: Use a cardioid mic pointed at the source and a figure-8 mic
positioned perpendicular to the source. The icons above the GAIN knobs remind the user to connect the
cardioid mic to Channel A, and the figure-8 mic to Channel B, and to orient the figure-8 mic with the
positive side pointing left (from the microphone's perspective). The result of recording with the MS-
STEREO feature is a complete stereo signal already “decoded” and ready to use.
Mixes the Channel A Preamp and Channel B Preamp signals down to one mono signal according to their
GAIN settings. The A+B signal is sent to Channel A Pre Output.
A TO CUE knob controls the level of the mono mixed A+B signal to the Cue Mixer while the B TO CUE
knob is disabled (in the same manner as in STEREO mode - see above).
Acoustic/Electric Instruments: Mic the instrument with the Channel A Preamp, and at the same time,
connect the instrument's pickup or transducer output to the Channel B Preamp DI input. Switch on A+B
and adjust A GAIN and B GAIN to blend the mic with the pickup. Try Phase inverting the pickup channel
if the blended sound is unsatisfactory.
Double-Mic Technique: Place one mic close to the source (like a guitar amp speaker), and place a
second mic at a distance to pick up room ambiance. Switch on A+B and adjust A GAIN and B GAIN until
the desired close/ambient blend is achieved. Try Phase inverting the distant mic channel if the combined
sound is unsatisfactory.
Cue Mixer & VU Meter Operation
STEREO is turned off, the A TO CUE knob controls the monitoring level of the Channel A Preamp
audio sent to the REVERB inputs and Cue Mixer outputs in equal amounts to both left and right channels
(mono, panned center). The B TO CUE knob behaves the same for the Channel B Preamp. The knobs
control the Preamp levels to the Cue Mixer through 63 steps of 1dB. When turned to the OFF position, the
Preamp audio feeds to the Cue Mixer are muted. When STEREO is turned on, the A TO CUE knob controls
the amount of Channel A Preamp audio sent to the REVERB and Cue Mixer left channel AND the level
Channel B Preamp audio sent to the REVERB and Cue Mixer right channel. The B TO CUE knob becomes
disabled until STEREO is switched off (see STEREO above).
It might be necessary to mute the track you are recording onto in your DAW, otherwise, you will be hearing
yourself twice (once through the Remote Preamp's monitoring path, and again through your DAW's
software monitoring).