Installation, operation and maintenance manual, Prefi ll and sanitize the storage tank, Warning – Aqua-Pure AP-RO5500 User Manual

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Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual


4. Install the Faucet Adapter and Tubing (see Figure 3)

Locate the cold water stem on the underside of the faucet fi xture. Unscrew the cold water feed tube from the
faucet stem. Locate the 1/4” Faucet Adapter that came with your Drinking Water System. Insert the black
gasket into the threaded adapter and tighten onto the Faucet Cold Water Stem under the sink, making sure
that 1/4” fi tting is accessible and not facing the wall. Make sure not to over tighten. Take the Cold Water Feed
Tube and attach to the Faucet Adapter, making sure not to over tighten.

Locate the 1/4” Faucet Tube and insert into the 1/4” Faucet Adapter. See Figure 4, Page 17.

5. Prefi ll and Sanitize the Storage Tank

Prefi lling the tank is always recommended so there is pressure to check for leaks and water to fl ush the
carbon fi lters. Tanks are furnished with a special disinfection capsule which sanitizes the tank when it is
fi lled with water. It is important to use a sanitizer when prefi lling tank so the solution can sanitize the tubing,
fi ttings and faucet at the time of installation and startup.

A) Place tank on stand.

B) Remove the soft rubber cap from the tank inlet fi tting.

C) Wrap PTFE tape to the right (clockwise) onto threads.

D) Pour sanitizer into tank.

E) Thread ball valve onto tank.

F) Insert one end of 3/8” yellow tubing into ball valve.

G) Connect supplied 3/8” x 1/4” adaptor to other end of yellow tubing.

H) Connect free end of orange feed water tubing to 1/4” side of adaptor.

I) Open feedwater valve and tank valve and allow tank to fi ll (about 3 minutes).

J) To open feedwater valve, turn handle to the left (counterclockwise).

K) Turn off feedwater valve and tank valve.

L) Remove orange tubing from adaptor then remove adaptor from yellow tubing. The tubing may need to

be cut for removal due to line pressure. Refer to Figure 4 on page 17.

M) Set tank aside for at least 15 minutes for disinfection.


To reduce the risk associated with eye, skin and respiratory and digestive tract burns from Calcium Hypo-
chlorite during installation:
• Calcium Hypochlorite (CAS 7778-54-3) granules are used for tank sanitation in this product.
• During installation, do not get in eyes or on skin or clothing. Do not ingest. Wear eye and face protection. Keep

out of reach of children.

• To request an MSDS relating to this product call 203-238-8965 or visit the web at

portal/3M/en_us/msds (click MSDS search). For emergencies, call 800-364-3577 or 651-737-6501 (24 hours).