SENA Parani-ESD100-110-200-210 User Manual

Page 50

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C.24. S48: Low Power Max Interval (default 2048)

This is the max interval value to use low power mode, which is set to 2048 initially. (2048 x 625μsec =

C.25. S49: Low Power Min Interval (default 800)

This is the min interval value to use low power mode, which is set to 800 initially. (800 x 625μsec =
When sniff mode, a small sniff interval increases power consumption, a large sniff interval increases
latency. For low power modes, typical values of the sniff interval are from about 0.5 second to 1.28

C.26. S50: Low Power Sniff Attempt (default 8)

This is the sniff attempt value, which is set to 8 initially. (8 x 0.625μsec = 5msec)

C.27. S51: Low Power Sniff Timeout (default 8)

This is the sniff timeout value, which is set to 8 initially. (8 x 0.625μsec = 5msec)
The sniffing slave listens for traffic during the sniff slots determined by the sniff attempt parameter. If
no message addressed to the sniffing slave is received, the sniffing slave ceases listening for packets.
If a message with the sniffing slave’s active member address is received, it continues listening for
further sniff timeout slots after the sniff slot.

C.28. S52: Low Power Park Timeout (default 5)

This is the park timeout value, which is set to 5 initially. (5sec)
During no data transmission in park timeout, Parani-ESD can be in low power mode to save the power.
It takes a few seconds to wake the Parani-ESD out of low power mode.