Neutrik Patch Panels User Manual
Page 2

superior quality
C o n t e n t P a g e
NPPA-Series - 96 Bantam (TT) Jacks .......................... 154
Configuration, Grounding, Wiring ............................ 155
NPP-TB-Series - 48 B-Gauge Jacks ............................. 156
Configuration, Grounding, Wiring ............................ 157
1/4" Patch Panel NYS Series .................................... 158
Configuration, Grounding ........................................ 159
MA 96 and XPM 96 Bantam Patchbays ..................... 160
MAJ 501 Bantam Jack Socket ................................... 161
LF 48 B-Gauge Patchbays ......................................... 162
LFJ 501 B-Gauge Jack Socket ................................... 163
Technical Data ........................................................ 164
Operating Accessories, Labeling software ................... 164
Ordering Information ............................................... 165
I n t ro d u c t i o n
Patch Panels are central switching gears between
audio equipments. They are used to switch and
route analog and digital audio signals from and to
equipments in recording or broadcast studios, OB
vans, churches, theatres, stadiums, arenas, etc.
Patch Panels are available in a varety of jack
types, wiring and grounding possibilities.
Common versions accommodating Bantam TT, 1/4“
A-gauge and longframe B-gauge jacks on the front
rows are available.
The mechanical size is designed to fit into 1U 19“
standard racks. All Neutrik patch panels offer various
normalling possibilities between top and bottom
All Neutrik
Patch Panels are able to handle digital
audio signals acc. AES3, 48kHz sampling rate.
i n n o v a t i v e
s o l u t i o n s
s u p e r i o r
q u a l i t y
, opticalCON
, neutriCON
, miniCON
, powerCON
, Profi
, speakON
, silentPLUG
, etherCON
, rearTWIST
are registered trademarks of Neutrik AG.