3B Scientific 3B NETlab™ User Manual
Page 10

ment at their own computer while students ob-
serve at their terminals.
Communication is conducted entirely via Windows
file sharing. No additional TCP connections need to
be set up. The supervisor can regularly access and
read a data file shared by the computer where the
experiment is being conducted. The data is thus
accessible from the supervisors’ controls after only
a very brief delay. At the same time however, su-
pervisors are not restricted to viewing those pages
or controls currently being used by students per-
forming the experiments. A supervisor can, for
instance, check the individual numbers in a table
while the student performing the experiment is
conducting an analysis of them in a graph.
6.1 Network installation:
Installation on an instructor’s computer is carried
out as in the single-user installation procedure, but
subsequently the instructor’s computer is set up as
a server.
Select “Administration” from the splash screen
and click “Continue”.
Select “Adm. the teacher's server and student's
computers” and click “Continue”.
Select “Define/modify the teacher's
server” and click “Continue”.
In the dialog box, a path is displayed which
must now be shared for all network users to
have read access. For NTFS data systems, make
sure that the necessary authorisation is
Enter the network address of the share. Click
“OK” to confirm.
A message appears which explains how to proceed.
Among others, the URL for the installation of the
3B NETlab™ students’ version is specified. The fol-
lowing steps must be carried out on each student’s
computer. While carrying out these steps, make
sure to observe the notes on security settings, as
described in section 4.1.2.
Enter the installation URL in Internet Explorer.
An installation prompt appears for the ActiveX
control element “3BNETlab” which you should
The installation routine for the students’ ver-
sion begins. Confirm the creation of a program
A message appears in which the path is speci-
fied. This must be shared in order to grant the
instructor full access. Make sure the relevant
authorisation is provided for NTFS file systems.
After confirming this message, the program is con-
cluded. It is now important that the server can
detect the student computers. To test this:
Go to “Administration” and select the item
“Define a new student's computer”. Click
Enter a name and the network address of the
supervisor share on the student’s computer.
Click “OK” to confirm.
6.2 User identification for students:
A separate user ID can be set up for each individual
student. The advantage of this is that after logging
on for each experiment, only that particular stu-
dent’s data are listed. In this way, any confusion
which may arise on account of multiple students
working simultaneously is avoided. Also, experi-
mental results are always ascribed to a particular
student. This simplifies the task of monitoring for
the supervisor.
6.2.1 Setting up user identification for students:
After the installation of the network, students must
be granted user identification in order to run the
From “Adm. the teacher's server and
student's computers” click “Back” to return
to the previous page.
Select “Students” and click “Continue”.
Select “Create new student entry” and click
From the list, select the computer on which the
user ID is to be created and click “Continue”.
Enter a user name for the student.
Select a user group. If necessary, click “Create
a new group of students”.
Enter a password. Click “OK” to confirm.
6.2.2 Changing students’ user identification:
Go to “Students” and select “Edit an existing
student entry”.
From the list of students’ entries, select an
entry then click “Modify” and “Continue”.
A dialog box appears where it is possible to
change the group and, if required, the pass-
word of the student.
6.2.3 Deleting students’ user identification:
Go to “Students” and select “Edit an existing
student entry”.
From the list of students’ entries, select an
entry then click “Delete” and “Continue”.
6.3 User identification for teachers:
6.3.1 Setting up user identification for teachers:
It is also possible to set up an individual user iden-
tification for each teacher.