3B Scientific Acoustics Kit User Manual

Page 16

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Elwe Didactic GmbH Steinfelsstr. 6 08248 Klingenthal Germany

3B Scientific GmbH • Rudorffweg 8 • 21031 Hamburg • Germany •

Subject to technical amendments

© Copyright 2009 3B Scientific GmbH

and F#’ is 9/8 and the interval between F#’’ and G’
is 16/15. This is achieved by taking the frequency of
the F note and increasing it by multiplying it by

The new notes produced by sharpening the tones
are called C#, D#, F#, G# and A#. (E# and B# are
equivalent to F and C respectively).

This sharpening is denoted in musical notation by
a sharp sign appearing on the clave before the

Flat notes, which are a semitone lower than the
conventional notes are produced by multiplying
the latter by 24/25. These notes are denoted in
musical notation by a flat sign preceding the note
on the clave. The new flat notes are called Db, Eb,
Gb, Ab and Bb.

In the tempered scale used on a piano, the notes
C# and Db, D# and Eb, F# and Gb etc. respectively
are played using the same key, since in each case
they are close enough to being identical.