3B Scientific Skin Resistance Box User Manual
Page 6

4. Technical data
Measurement range:
1 M
Ω – 10 MΩ
Sensor type:
2 Metal electrodes, clipped
to Velcro bands
Safety category:
Protection class II,
5. Instructions
Place the sensor box close to the person being
Using the two Velcro fasteners, attach the
metal electrodes to the undersides of the
person’s forefinger and middle finger on one
hand at the tips.
The person’s hand should be resting in a relaxed
state on a support.
Read off the value of the skin resistance on the
display screen of the 3B NETlog
6. Applications
Measurements of the skin resistance when the body
is relaxed, and then during an “emotional” event
Use of the skin resistance box as a “lie detector”
7. Sample experiment
Measuring the skin resistance of a person
Equipment needed:
1 3B NETlog
1 3B NETlab
1 Skin resistance box
Set up the experiment as shown in Fig. 1.
Open the template for the experiment with a
skin resistance box in the 3B NETlab
Run the program in the template so that the
value of the skin resistance and any changes in
it are recorded (Fig. 2).
Investigate how skin resistance is affected by
the types of events described under heading 2,
Change the experimental conditions for the
guinea pig and repeat the experiment.
Analyse the results of the experiment.
Fig. 1 Measuring skin resistance of a person