3B Scientific Chester Chest™ With New Advanced Arm User Manual

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Chester Chest™ - with the New Advanced Arm (arm can be ordered separately
to upgrade your existing Chester Chest™). The New Advanced Arm 2386 has
a dual lumen 5FR PICC (Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter) exiting the
basilic vein from the inner bicep area, which is currently the preferred site for
placement. The basilic vein is slightly raised for easy identification. Posterior
to the PICC insertion site is a recessed area for the placement of a peripheral
port. (Optional port shown but not included - see part 0417 in Supplies and
Accessories on page 12 to order). The base of the recessed area is made
of soft material that permits the port to “float” when accessed. This area
is covered with a removable tissue-like flap which, when placed over the
port, provides the realistic feel of palpating and accessing. An additional
feature of the new arm is a pre-positioned 20g IV catheter in the forearm. The
New Advanced Arm has a greater degree of rotation and extension than our
previous arm, just as you would experience on a patient when accessing the
PICC or peripheral port. The dual PICC, IV catheter and optional peripheral
port are all attached to a simulated “blood” reservoir bag in the arm to permit
the practice of “blood” withdrawal and fluid infusion. Cleansing, application
of dressings and securement devices can be demonstrated at all sites.

The left chest area of Chester Chest™ consists of:

• Chest Tissue Flap 0405 - A specially formulated material duplicates the

feel of human tissue which, when placed over the chest port, provides a
realistic practice of palpating and accessing, with proper access of the
port being confirmed by a “blood” withdrawal – just like the real thing!

• A real implanted port under the Chest Tissue Flap
• A rigid underlying surface with molded ribs and a recessed area for the

interchangeable inserts

• Difficult Accessing Inserts 0420, 0430 and 0440 which are made of

a soft tissue-like material and placed either under or over the port to
simulate palpating and accessing a port with one of the following types
of placements: normal, “tipping”, “wandering” or “deeply placed”.

The right chest area of Chester Chest™ has a 9.6FR tunneled central
catheter that is visible up to the clavicle. The Dacron cuff is also discernable.
The external jugular vein is slightly raised with an opening for you to attach
your own catheter and there is also an opening in the chest for the placement
of a subclavian catheter.

Overview of Chester Chest™ 2400

with the New Advanced Arm 2386