3B Scientific Life size Male Muscular Figure, 37-part User Manual

Page 9

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210 Coeliac trunk (Celiac trunk)
211 Left kidney
212 Duodenojejunal flexure
213 Superior mesenteric artery
214 Superior mesenteric vein
215 Duodenum, ascending part
216 Duodenum, inferior part (horizontal part,

transverse part)

217 Left common iliac artery
218 Left common iliac vein
219 Left testicular artery
220 Median sacral artery
221 Left internal iliac artery
222 Left ureter
223 Left external iliac artery
224 Left external iliac vein
225 Sigmoid colon
226 Urinary bladder
227 Coronal suture
228 Lacrimal bone
229 Ethmoid (Ethmoidal bone)
230 Maxilla
231 Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi
232 Levator anguli oris
233 Mentalis
234 Lambdoid suture
235 Temporal bone, zygomatic arch
236 Buccinator
237 Optic nerve [2nd cranial nerve]
238 Right internal carotid artery
239 Pituitary gland
240 Cranial dura mater
241 Spinal cord
242 Epicranius, temporoparietalis
243 Auricularis anterior
244 Parotid gland, superficial part
245 Parotid duct
246 Masseter
247 Risorius
248 Levator labii superioris
249 Zygomaticus minor
250 Zygomaticus major
251 Choroid plexus of third ventricle
252 Fornix
253 Corpus callosum
254 Interventricular foramen
255 Thalamus
256 Hypothalamus
257 Optic chiasm (Optic chiasma)
258 Oculomotor nerve [3rd cranial nerve]
259 Pons
260 Cerebral hemisphere, medial surface
261 Interthalamic adhesion (Massa intermedia)
262 Pineal gland (Pineal body)
263 Tectum of midbrain
264 Cerebellum, arbor vitae
265 Aqueduct of midbrain (Cerebral aqueduct)
266 Fourth ventricle
267 Medulla oblongata (Bulb)
268 Central canal
269 Frontal lobe
270 Temporal lobe
271 Trochlear nerve [4th cranial nerve]
272 Trigeminal nerve [5th cranial nerve]

273 Vestibulocochlear nerve [8th cranial nerve]
274 Facial nerve [7th cranial nerve]
275 Cerebellar hemisphere
276 Glossopharynheal nerve [9th cranial nerve]

and vagus nerv [10th cranial nerve]

277 Olfactory bulb
278 Olfactory tract
279 Cerebral peduncle
280 Abducent nerve (Abducens nerve) [6th cranial nerve]
281 Hypoglossal nerve [12th cranial nerve]
282 First cervical nerve, anterior root
283 Second cervical nerve, anterior root
284 Anterior lobe of cerebellum
285 Middle cerebellar peduncle
286 Flocculonodular lobe
287 Posterior lobe of cerebellum
288 Medial rectus
289 Superior rectus
290 Sclera
291 Pupil
292 Optic tract
293 Inferior olive
294 Hyoid bone
295 Omohyoid, superior belly
296 Sternohyoid
297 Median cricothyroid ligament
298 Thyroid gland
299 Tracheal cartilages
300 Epiglottis
301 Median thyrohyoid ligament
302 Thyrohyoid
303 Thyroid cartilage
304 Inferior constrictor
305 Sternothyroid
306 Cuneiform cartilage (Cartilage of WRISBERG)
307 Corniculate cartilage (Cartilage of SANTORINI)
308 Transverse arytenoid
309 Cricoid cartilage
310 Trachea, membranaceous wall
311 Oesopahgus (Esophagus), cervical part
312 Vestibular fold
313 Pre-epiglottic fat body
314 Laryngeal ventricle (Ventricle of MORGAGNI)
315 Vocal fold
316 Conus elasticus (Cricovocal membrane)
317 Apex of lung
318 Right lung, superior lobe
319 Right lung, middle lobe
320 Right lung, inferior lobe
321 Left lung, superior lobe
322 Left lung, inferior lobe
323 Right pulmonary artery
324 Right pulmonary veins
325 Right atrium of heart
326 Pulmonary valve
327 Tricuspid valve (Right atrioventricular valve)
328 Right ventricle
329 Right coronary artery
330 Interventricular septum
331 Apex of heart
332 Ascending aorta
333 Pulmonary trunk
334 Left pulmonary veins
335 Left atrium of heart


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