3B Scientific Life size Male Muscular Figure, 37-part User Manual
Page 57

348 胃小弯
349 贲门切迹
350 胃底
351 胃体
352 胃大弯
353 胃左动脉
354 胃右动脉
355 幽门口
356 胃皱褶
357 贲门口
358 粘液
359 肝尾状叶
360 肝固有动脉
361 胃压迹
362 肝总管
363 方叶
364 肾上腺压迹
365 肾压迹
366 十二指肠压迹
367 胆囊管
368 结肠压迹
369 胆囊
370 回肠乳头开口
371 阑尾
372 横结肠
373 结肠左曲
374 小肠
375 降结肠系膜
376 空肠
377 升结肠系膜
378 肠系膜下动脉
379 阑尾
380 肾动脉
381 肾静脉
382 肾盂
383 肾皮质
384 肾椎体
385 肾小盏
386 精囊腺
387 阴囊
388 附睾
389 睾丸
390 阴茎包皮
391 男性尿道
392 阴囊隔
393 阴茎头(龟头)
394 尿道外口
This manual is related to the following products:
See also other documents in the category 3B Scientific Health and hygiene:
- Piezoelectric Charge Source (2 pages)
- Animal cell model (36 pages)
- Internal organs Chart (16 pages)
- Digital Input Box (12 pages)
- Digital Input Box (2 pages)
- Experiment Set - On the Trail of Flavour Enhancers Brand new and topical-versatile in classroom situations (48 pages)
- Pascal’s Pressure Sphere (1 page)
- Pascal’s Pressure Sphere (6 pages)
- Heat Equivalent Apparatus (6 pages)
- Heat Equivalent Apparatus (24 pages)
- 3B Deluxe Portable Massage Table - Blue (2 pages)
- Radiation of Heat__Thermopile (2 pages)
- Radiation of Heat__Thermopile (12 pages)
- Capillary Tubes Apparatus (2 pages)
- Basic Experiment Board (230 V, 50__60 Hz) (24 pages)
- Model of female breast (30 pages)
- Digital Teslameter with Probe (230 V, 50__60 Hz) (4 pages)
- Brain with Arteries on Base of Head, 8 part (20 pages)
- Functional Physiological Skeleton Model - Frank - Hanging Stand (1 page)
- Physiological Skeleton Model - Phil - Hanging Stand (20 pages)
- Teltron Optical Equivalent to Debye-Scherrer Interference (2 pages)
- Teltron Luminescence Tube D (4 pages)
- Teltron Triode D, Helium-filled (4 pages)
- Human Blood Circulation Chart (16 pages)
- Power Function Generator (230 V, 50__60 Hz) (4 pages)
- Power Function Generator (115 V, 50__60 Hz) (24 pages)
- Laser Diode for Debye-Sears Effect, Red (5 pages)
- Lung Model with larynx, 7 part (16 pages)
- The Human Skeleton Chart, front (16 pages)
- Solar Energy Basic Kit (2 pages)
- Solar Energy Basic Kit (12 pages)
- 1002996 (2 pages)
- 1000731 (1 page)
- Basic Mechanics Kit (2 pages)
- Teltron Dual Beam Tube S (6 pages)
- Resusci Anne CPR Torso (73 pages)
- Leclanche Cell (2 pages)
- Human Pulse Sensor Box (24 pages)
- Human Pulse Sensor Box (4 pages)
- Advanced Thermodynamics Kit (3 pages)
- 1008528 (1 page)
- Launcher S (12 pages)
- Launcher S (2 pages)
- Torso Chart (16 pages)