3B Scientific Life size Male Muscular Figure, 37-part User Manual

Page 7

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A1 Muscle figure, front view, without front chest

wall and abdominal wall and without removable

A2 Front chest wall and abdominal wall,

external aspect

A3 Front chest wall and abdominal wall,

internal aspect

B Muscle figure, rear view
C Rear chest wall and abdominal wall,

without removable intestines

D1 Head of muscle figure, front left external view
D2 Inner base of skull
D3 Head of muscle figure, front right external view
E1 Right brain half, medial view
E2 Right brain half, inferior view
E3 Left half of cerebellum, front medial view
F Left eyeball with extrinsic ocular muscles and optic

nerve, front medial view

E4 Left brain stem, lateral view
E5 Left brain stem, medial view
G1 Larynx and surrounding structures, front view
G2 Left half of larynx and surrounding structures,

medial view

H1 Right lung, medial view
H2 Front left half of lungs, rear internal view
I1 Heart, front view, without front

atrioventricular wall

I2 Front atrioventricular wall of the heart
J Diaphragm, superior view
K1 Stomach, front view
K2 Stomac, upper rear view
K3 Rear stomach wal, internal aspect
L Liver, rear view
M1 Intestinal tract, front view, caecum opened
M2 Intestinal tract, rear view
N Front right half of kidney, internal aspect
O Urinary bladder part, rear view
P1 Right half of the outer male sex organs lateral aspect,

penis skin and scrotum partially removed

P2 Left half of the outer male sex organs,

medial view

1 Epicranial aponeurosis
2 Epicranius, occipitofrontalis, frontal belly
3 Orbicularis oculi, orbital part
4 Orbicularis oculi, palpebral part
5 Nasalis
6 Parotid gland
7 Orbicularis oris
8 Depressor anguli oris
9 Sternocleidomastoid
10 Depressor labii inferioris
11 Trapezius
12 Omohyoid, inferior belly
13 Right common carotid artery
14 Clavicle
15 Deltoid
16 External intercostal muscles
17 Pectoralis major
18 Internal intercostal muscles
19 Ribs
20 Brachialis

21 Biceps brachii
22 Diaphragm
23 Humerus, medial epicondyle
24 Brachioradialis
25 Extensor carpi radialis longus
26 Extensor carpi radialis brevis
27 Extensor digitorum
28 Abductor pollicis longus
29 Radius
30 Extensor retinaculum
31 Extensor pollicis longus, tendon
32 Extensor pollicis brevis, tendon
33 Extensor digitorum, tendons
34 Pectineus
35 Sartorius
36 Adductor longus
37 Rectus femoris
38 Vastus lateralis
39 Vastus medialis
40 Patella
41 Sartorius, gracilis, semitendinosus, tendons

(„goose foot“)

42 Gastrocnemius, medial head
43 Tibialis anterior
44 Tibia, medial surface
45 Soleus
46 Extensor digitorum longus, tendon
47 Extensor hallucis longus, tendon
48 Fibula, lateral malleolus
49 Cruciate crural ligament of ankle
50 Extensor digitorum longus, tendons
51 Extensor hallucis brevis
52 Metatarsal I
53 Frontal bone
54 Corrugator supercilii
55 Orbit
56 Zygomatic bone
57 Mandible, ramus
58 Cervical vertebra, body
59 Intervertebral disc
60 Left internal jugular vein
61 Subclavius
62 Palmaris longus, tendon
63 Flexor retinaculum
64 Ulna
65 Radial artery
66 Biceps brachii, tendon
67 Humerus
68 Median nerve and brachial artery
69 Coracobrachialis
70 Triceps brachii, long head
71 Basilic vein
72 Latissimus dorsi
73 Teres major
74 Transversus abdominis
75 Quadratus lumborum
76 Crest of ilium
77 Psoas major
78 Iliacus
79 Inguinal ligament
80 Femoral nerve
81 Left femoral vein

VA01 Life-size male muscle figure, 37 parts

VA16 Life-size male muscle torso, 27 parts

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