Ironwood Electronics GHZ BGA Socket (Direct Mount - Epoxy) Assembly Instructions User Manual
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P a g e
E P M . d o c , R e v . B , V P , 6 / 1 2 / 2 0 1 2
Tel: (800) 404-0204
1. Insert alignment plate onto dowel pins in the socket base.
2. Flip the socket base together with the alignment plate over.
3. Apply pin-head amount of no-run super glue on all four corners of the socket base. We at Ironwood use
Quick gel® by Duro. Tip: put some of the super glue on the clean piece of paper. Then use a pin or a
needle to apply the super glue to the four corners of the socket base.
4. Flip the socket base with the alignment piece over and use corner holes on the alignment piece to align
the socket base with the target board pads using microscope.
Figure 2: Top view of alignment plate
5. When the holes of the alignment plate are aligned with the target pads, place the socket base onto the
target board. Let the super glue dry for about 5 minutes.