2 installation of swivel trolley – R&M Materials Handling ELECTRIC CHAIN HOISTS LoadMate Chain Hoist LM 5 User Manual
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6.2 Installation of Swivel Trolley
The service life of the trolley depends upon the way it is installed. The instructions in this manual must be
followed carefully for the installation, use and maintenance of the hoist. Any use contrary to these
instructions can be dangerous. Do not use hoist until this manual has been fully read and understood.
Always keep this manual near the hoist, available to the operator and the person in charge of maintenance.
Make sure that the safety rules are followed (harness, clearance of work areas, posting of instructions to be
followed in the area, etc.).
The Trolley can be mounted on any type of standard profile (see: setting of the flange width).
NOTE: Check the width of the runaway rail and adapt the spacing of the flanges of the trolley as
indicated by the tables.
Make sure:
That the profile is secured.
That the profile is suitable to the loads to be supported.
That the dimensions are compatible with the trolley that is to be installed.
That the electrical characteristics of the mains network conform to those of the motor.
Carry out:
1 – Disassembly of the trolley:
Remove the side plate on the counterweight side.
Position the trolley on the beam.
Refit the side plate.
(see: Tightening torques)
2 – Without disassembly of the trolley:
Install the trolley on the profile, by the end.
Fit the travel limit stops (not provided) at the end of the runway.
Check that the nuts are correctly tightened.
(see: Tightening torques)
After these checks, perform the following test with care:
1. Drive in one direction with the slow speed for a few seconds.
2. Accelerate up to the high speed and keep the high speed for 5-10 seconds.
3. Follow the same procedure in the other direction.
4. If the trolley drives in the wrong direction, swap the cables (blue and white) of the motor or the wires on
D1 and D2.
5. Check the function of the slow down and end limit switches.