R&M Materials Handling ELECTRIC CHAIN HOISTS LoadMate Chain Hoist General Operation Manual User Manual

Page 27

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Electric Chain Hoist Operator’s Manual/EN/11.30.10


This document and the information contained herein, is the exclusive property of R&M MATERIALS HANDLING, INC. and represents a non-public, confidential and proprietary trade
secret that may not be reproduced, disclosed to third parties, altered or otherwise employed in any manner whatsoever without the express written consent of R&M MATERIALS
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visually inspect hook latches for proper operation or damage that does not allow roper


test operation of the primary upper limit device of the hoisting motion.


report to supervisor if warning label or labels are missing or illegible.


report to supervisor any damage or malfunctions.


operate hoist if any damage or malfunctions exist.


operate hoist if it is tagged with an out-or-order sign.


WARNING: If any damage or malfunctions are noted in the daily inspection items, the operator
shall not operate the hoist, and shall immediately advise the supervisor so corrective action can
be taken. If the hoist is tagged with an out-of-order sign, the operator shall not operate the hoist.

Hoist operators should be aware of malfunctions of the equipment that could occur during
operation, and should immediately advise the supervisor so corrective action can be taken.


WARNING: If corrective action has not been completed by the end of the shift, the operator shall
advise the operator or operators on the next shift that corrective action is required on the hoist
and verify that the hoist is tagged with an out-of-order sign.

NOTE: The hoist operator shall not perform frequent or periodic inspections, or perform
maintenance on a hoist unless the operator has been trained to perform such inspections or
maintenance, and is designated by the hoist owner/user to perform such inspections or