R&M Materials Handling ELECTRIC CHAIN HOISTS LoadMate Chain Hoist General Operation Manual User Manual
Page 26
Electric Chain Hoist Operator’s Manual/EN/11.30.10
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Daily inspection items that should be performed by the operator at the start of each shift, or at the time the hoist
is first used during the shift, include the below items:
Tagged Hoist
Check that hoist is not tagged with an out-of-order sign.
Control Devices
Check that all travel motions agree with control device markings.
When checking hoist travel motion, always use “UP” control first.
Check that all travel motions do not have excessive drift and that stopping
distances are normal.
Check for hook latch presence and that it operates properly.
Load Chain
Check for nicks, gouges, and any type of deformation or damage to the
chain. Check for lubrication of load chain.
Check that load chain is properly reeved, that load chain is not kinked or
twisted, and that load chain parts are not twisted about each other.
Limit Devices
Check that the primary upper limit device stops lifting motion of the
hoist load block at the upper limit of travel.
If furnished, check that the lower limit device stops lowering motion of hoist load
block at lower limit of travel.
Oil Leakage
Check for any sign of oil or grease leakage on the hoist and on floor area
beneath hoist.
Unusual Sounds
Check for any unusual sounds from hoist and hoist mechanism while operating
the hoist.
Warning & Safety Labels
Check that warning and other safety labels are not missing and that they are
It is Recommended That the Operator:
perform a daily inspection. Refer to the above INSPECTION CHECK POINTS.
visually inspect load chain for nicks, gouges, any type of deformation or damage, and
check load chain for proper lubrication.
visually inspect hooks for nicks, gouges, deformed throat opening,
wear on saddle or load bearing point, and twisting.