KIA Borrego 2008 User Manual

Page 239

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Features of your vehicle



8. Stereo reception display
This is displayed when the current
broadcast is a stereo broadcast.

Methods of Station selection

Selecting station through Preset

This function allows station previously
saved to be selected for broadcast.
1. After selecting one of the FM1/FM2/

AM modes, move the select area to one
of the six preset buttons stored with the
broadcast station desired for listening
and press the ENTER key.


The channels possible for preset are 6

channels each for FM1, FM2 and AM.

(Refer to [Chapter # Storing a broadcast

channel to a preset button] for more

information on storing presets)

Selecting station through SEEK

This function is used to automatically select
channels through the SEEK function.
1. After selecting one of the FM1/FM2/

AM modes, press the [SEEK] button
on the Remote Control to automatical-
ly search for stations with high-recep-

2. In addition, press the [SEEK UP/DOWN]

on the remote control to increase or
decrease the station automatically to
search for high-reception stations.

Selecting a station through TUNE

This function allows the TUNE function to
be used to directly select the desired
broadcast station.
1. After selecting one of the FM1/FM2/

AM modes, press the TUNE button to
increase or decrease the station in 1-
step increments (FM : 0.1MHz, AM :
9kHz). Use the TUNE button to select
the broadcast station desired for lis-

2. In addition, each time the [TUNE UP/

DOWN] button on the remote control is
pressed, the station will increase or

Storing station a preset button

Storing Manually
1. To store the current station, use the 4-

direction key on the REAR panel or the
Remote Control to display the select
area and move it to the PRESET but-
ton desired for storing.

2. After positioning the select area to the

PRESET button desired for storing,
press the select key on the JOYSTICK
of the REAR panel or the select key on
the Remote Control for over 0.8 sec-
onds to store the current station.


The SCAN function which automatical-

ly searches for broadcast stations with

superior reception is only supported by

the FRONT system. Using the SCAN

function through the FRONT system

will apply the same settings in the

REAR system.