Lp/lpr and the ascii job tickets, Open a terminal and login as root, Enter: setenv ld_library_path/opt/xrxnps/lib – Xerox FreeFlow® Print Server version 6.0 User Manual

Page 93: Enter: [/home/rlech/bin]getattrstv, The program executes and lists valid options, Enter: g j, the job number from job gui, The job attributes display, Right-click and select [programs, Select [terminal, Put your mouse cursor in the window and type: su

background image

System Guide

7- 15


LP/LPR and the ASCII job tickets

The following procedure is used to verify that the attributes and
options are correct:

1. Open a terminal and login as root

2. Enter:

setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH/opt/XRXnps/lib

3. Enter:


4. The program executes and lists valid options.

5. Enter:

g j

, the job number from Job GUI>

6. The job attributes display.

NOTE: For detailed procedures see the Online Help.

Rebooting and restarting

Recovery procedures throughout this guide instruct you to either
reboot or restart the software.

To reboot the system and perform a file system check, perform the

1. Place your mouse cursor in the background outside of the

Xerox FreeFlow Print Server Print Services window.

2. Right-click and select [Programs].

3. Select [Terminal].

4. Put your mouse cursor in the window and type: su

5. Select .

6. Type in your root password.

7. Select . A # symbol displays.

NOTE: When entering text, do so in lower-case because UNIX is
a case sensitive system.

8. Type: sync; sync; halt

9. Select . The system reboots.

10. A Program Terminated message and an OK prompt display.

Type boot -s

11. Select . The system reboots.

12. When you receive the following message, “Type Ctrl-d to

proceed with a normal startup, (or give root password for
system maintenance)” type the root password again.

13. Select .

14. Select the and keys on your keyboard at the same

time to complete the boot.