Introduction – TC Electronic Nova System User Manual
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NOVA System - All-in-One Extravaganza
The Audible Choice
NOVA System is the complete, floor-based effects solution for the dedicated guitar player who knows quality when he
sees it. Its unique inclusion of an all-analog distortion/overdrive section under preset and expression control makes it the
perfect choice whether you want to trim down your rack setup, step up from your pedal patchwork or simply just want the
ultimate combination of operational simplicity and audio superiority.
Add to this an array of effects taken straight from the king of floor-based processors; G-System and you have top-notch
compression, EQ, noise gate, modulation, pitch, delay and reverb right at your feet. All you need is a guitar and an amp
and you’re good to go – first class.
Genuine, Analog Drive Circuit
What makes NOVA System so remarkably different is the NDT™ - NOVA Drive Technology - a unique, new drive and
distortion circuit that gets you the best of both worlds: World-class analog distortion and overdrive with digital control. This
is the real deal – no modeling. While the NDT™ is 100% analog and physically separated from the digital effects, its
control potmeters are digital. This way you can tweak, store and recall as many drive settings as you want - you can even
hook up an expression pedal and control the amount of distortion in real-time. Its wide gain range covers your every need
from light breakup to heavy distortion.
• All-analog overdrive and distortion under preset and
expression control.
• 6 effect blocks taken straight from G-System:
EQ + Noise Gate
• 30 factory and 60 user presets
• Two footswitch layouts: preset and pedal
• Hi-Z and balanced input + balanced stereo outputs
• Optional G-Switch for added control
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Top-notch Effects
Equipped with TC branded quality effects from delays
and reverbs to compressor, EQ and modulation, NOVA
System is the obvious all-in-one solution for any guitarist
who wants setup simplicity without sacrificing tonal
fidelity. All neatly programmable and storable in 60 user
presets. Its 30 factory presets give you a demonstration
of just what this unit provides; great sound quality and an
immense versatility of effects combinations – all
designed to get you started right out of the box.