Moog Music Slim Phatty User Manual
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Slim Phatty User’s Manual - The User Interface
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Slim Phatty User’s Manual - The User Interface
SysEx (System Exclusive) is a set of commands to transmit and receive
selected presets, bulk dumps and firmware dumps. For more informa-
tion on SysEx commands, see the SysEx Menus section on page 42.
System Utilities is a set of commands used to perform a system reboot,
restore factory default values or perform various system calibrations on
the instrument. For more information, see the System Utilities Menus
section on page 45.
PERFORMANCE TIP: You can quickly change a Master Menu parameter during performance
by first entering Master Mode and select the desired parameter menu using the VALUE knob,
then return to Preset Mode. When you are ready to make the change, press MASTER. The
desired menu item will be displayed, allowing you to quickly make adjustments.
Note Entry allows you to specify a note to be played when you press
the ENTER button, allowing you to conveniently audition a Preset if
you don’t have a MIDI controller connected to the Slim Phatty. In this
menu, note values are specified as MIDI notes.. The range of valid MIDI
note values is 4 to 99, and the default value is 52, which specifies the ‘E’
below middle C. To the right of the MIDI note value is the play mode.
Three play modes are available: Momentary (Momntary), Latching, or
When Momentary mode is selected, the note will be played for as long
as you hold down the ENTER button, and will stop when you let go.
When Latching mode is selected, pressing ENTER starts a note, which
will continue to play until you press ENTER again. In this mode, you
can go to other menu pages and the note will continue until you go
back to the Note Entry menu and press ENTER again.
When DemoMode is selected, it will automatically play the selected
note every time you switch Presets. The note will play for about 30
seconds and shut off automatically. You can adjust all of the SP controls
while the note is playing.
You can also turn on the arpeggiator and then go to the Note Entry
menu and play a note.
Values: Note values: 4 – 16; the default value is 52
Modes : Momnatry, Latching, DemoMode;
the default value is Momntary