Pedal inputs – Moog Music MF-108M Cluster Flux User Manual
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does not send a CC on release (latching on/off behavior); program your MIDI
controller to use CC93 if the controller sends one CC value when you press
its switch and another CC value on release of the switch (momentary on/off
behavior). The two Tap Tempo CCs behave the same as the Tap Tempo switch
on the front panel; the only difference between the CCs is that CC92 counts
every CC message of any value as a tap, where CC93 counts only values
64-127 as a tap.
MIDI NOTE MODES - The Cluster Flux delay time can be controlled from MIDI
Note On messages. Tuned comb filter effects using the Flange or Chorus mode
can be played from a keyboard or sequencer. When this mode is enabled the
unit receives a MIDI “Note On” message. The “Note On” number determines
the Delay time. The unit responds to MIDI note numbers 0 to 90. The MIDI Note
On Velocity value is ignored.
MIDI CLOCK SYNC - The LFO can be synchronized to MIDI System Real-time
Clock messages. These messages are 24 ppq messages that can be sent via
MIDI computer sequencers or from drum machines. To enable the sending
of these messages, consult the user manual for your MIDI device. When the
Cluster Flux receives MIDI Clock messages, the LFO LED turns Yellow to
indicate that it is synchronized to the MIDI Clock tempo. When the LFO is
synchronized to a MIDI Clock tempo, the LFO can be set to divisions of this
tempo. This is either from the front panel LFO Rate control, or from MIDI CC# 71.
MIDI SysEx MESSAGES - Used for updating or finding out the unit’s firmware
version. For more information about this, refer to user notes with any firmware
updates posted in the Cluster Flux section of the website
All pedal control input jacks are 1/4” tip-ring-sleeve phone jacks. The sleeve
is grounded and the ring terminals are supplied with +5 volts which is current-
limited. The tip terminals receive the variable voltages from the pedals.
An expression pedal for use with the MF-108M should contain a 50kOhm
or 100kOhm linear taper potentiometer.
Applying a varying voltage to a pedal control input jack has the same
effect as turning the corresponding knob. With the panel controls set to
mid-position, a voltage change of about 5 volts is equal to turning the
corresponding knob through its entire range.
Note that with the Cluster Flux, you may use standard TS cables for control
voltages at the same time as Expression pedals.