Moog Music MF-108M Cluster Flux User Manual

Page 11

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Any position between the two will blend Wet and Dry signal to the outputs.

DELAY TIME - Sets the length of Delay from the BBD delay line based

on the Range switch setting. In Flange Mode, with

AMOUNT set to 0, the

Delay Time changes from .6 msec to 10 msec nominal. In Chorus mode this

change is 5 msec to 50 msec nominal.

RANGE - Sets the range of delay times available to the DELAY TIME control.
Flange selects a range of shorter delay times while Chorus selects a range

of slightly longer delay times.

FEEDBACK - Sets the amount of BBD output fed back into the input of the
BBDs. In Flange Mode, this is used to increase the sharpness and intensity

of peaks in the frequency response of the comb filter. Both Positive and

Negative Feedback are available, with zero feedback at mid-position.

In Flange Mode, Positive Feedback emphasizes all the harmonics of

a fundamental frequency equal to the inverse of the Delay Time – For

instance 10 msec Delay creates a comb filter with a fundamental frequency

of 100 Hz and emphasis at 200 Hz, 300 Hz, 400 Hz, 500 Hz, etc. Negative

Feedback shifts the frequency response spectrum down by one octave

which causes only odd harmonics to be emphasized. For instance, a 10
msec Delay Time with negative feedback creates a comb filter with a
fundamental frequency of 50 Hz and harmonic emphasis at 150 Hz, 250 Hz,

350 Hz, 450 Hz, etc.

In Chorus mode, because the Delay Time is usually longer than the time

period of the fundamental frequency of the input signal, the difference in
tone between positive and negative feedback is much less noticeable.

WARNING: The Cluster Flux Feedback control is designed to drive the

delay line into self-oscillation. This means the Cluster Flux is capable of

producing a tone without any audio signal present.

Tones produced by

self-oscillating feedback may be much stronger than normal signal levels,
so watch your speakers and ears.

Oscillation typically begins at the 4th indicator lines both left and right

of the Feedback control’s mid position.

LFO WAVEFORM - Selects the LFO waveform for modulation of the Delay

Time. There are six waveforms available: Sine, Triangle, Square, Sawtooth,

Ramp and Random Stepped waveforms. Note that with LFO Amount at

zero, no modulation will be heard.

LFO RATE - Sets the frequency of modulation of the Delay line by the LFO.

The Rate can be varied from .05 Hz to about 50 Hz. The LFO Rate LED

indicates both the rate and waveform of the current LFO settings. The LED

RED when the Rate is set from the front panel, GREEN when the rate

is set by the Tap Tempo switch, and

YELLOW when the LFO is synced to

MIDI clock. When synced to MIDI clock, the Rate control is quantized to

select only rhythmic subdivisions of the MIDI Clock tempo.