Automatic Duck Pro Import AE 5.0 (Win 64-bit for CS5 or CS5.5) User Manual
Pro import ae 5.0 user guide, About pro import ae, Using pro import ae

Pro Import AE 5.0
User Guide
last updated October 16, 2011
About Pro Import AE
Pro Import AE is Automatic Duck's oldest plug-in, first released in the spring of 2001.
This plug-in imports into After Effects AAF and OMF files from your Avid, XML files from
Final Cut Pro as well as Motion project files.
Using Pro Import AE
To use Pro Import AE you must first export from Final Cut Pro an XML file, an AAF or
OMF 2.0 file from your Avid editing system, or if you're translating a Motion project you
can just save the .motn project file.
Once you have the file that Pro Import AE can read importing it is as simple as choosing
the file in Pro Import AE's import dialog, setting any options then let it rip.
How to Import
To access Pro Import AE, select it
from the File->Import submenu, or
right-click/control-click in your project
pane and select it from the Import
The upper part of the Pro Import AE
dialog is the file chooser where you
select the file(s) you wish to import.
Below the file chooser is a summary of
Pro Import AE's settings. Click the Edit
Settings button to change these
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