Banks Power Dodge Trucks: (Diesel ’03 - 07 5.9L Cummins) Tuner- Six-Gun Diesel Tuner w optional Speed-Loader Module, (325 HP Dodge 5.9L Cummins 600 (24-valve) Trucks) '04-05 For use with Six-Gun Switch User Manual

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FOR 2004 (325-HP): Locate the

two (2) electrical connectors next

to the main brake cylinder. Find

the PINK wire with GRAY stripe on

the connector closest to the brake

cylinder. Install a T-tap on this wire.

Plug the Six-Gun Diesel Tuner RED wire

into the T-tap. See Figure 12. Proceed

to Step 18.


FOR 2005 (325-HP): Locate the

two (2) electrical connectors next

to the main brake cylinder. Find the

PINK WIRE with GRAY stripe on the

connector furthest from the brake

cylinder. Install a T-tap on this wire.

Plug the Six-Gun Diesel Tuner RED wire

into the T-tap. See Figure 13.


Inside the cab, plug the main

8- and 10-pin connectors from the

wire loom into the front of the

Six-Gun Diesel Tuner box. On vehicles

with automatic transmissions, plug the

4-pin Tcc wire harness connector

into the rear of the Six-Gun Diesel

Tuner box.


In the engine compartment,

unbolt the nut from the ground (-)

terminal on the drivers side battery.

Locate the ring terminal on the Six-Gun

Diesel Tuner wire harness. Install this

ring terminal onto the battery ground

and re-install the nut. See Figure 14.
Note: Go over the entire installation as

a precautionary check to ensure that all

clamps are tight, wiring and hoses are

properly routed, and connections are

correct and tight. Make sure that the

wire harness is not lying in the way of

the brake and gas pedals.


Figure 14