Banks Power Dodge Trucks: (Diesel ’03 - 07 5.9L Cummins) Tuner- Six-Gun Diesel Tuner w optional Speed-Loader Module, (325 HP Dodge 5.9L Cummins 600 (24-valve) Trucks) '04-05 For use with Six-Gun Switch User Manual

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CAUTION: It is very important that

you select the proper wire. The

Banks Six-Gun Diesel Tuner will

not function properly if installed

2004-2005 vehicles with automatic

transmission, follow Steps 13 through

15. Vehicles with manual transmission,

skip to Step 16.



Plug the TCC extension into the

BLUE Tcc wire. Using the wire harness

on the two (2) connectors next to the

main brake cylinder as a guide (see

Figure 8), route the BLUE and GRAY

Tcc wires toward the transmission

solenoid assembly that is sitting on the

transmission. It is located underneath

the drivers side of the vehicle. See

Figure 9. Secure the wire using cable

ties along the way.


Find the YELLOW wire with

orange stripe on the solenoid

assembly. (There is a YELLOW wire

with a PINK stripe next to the YELLOW

wire with ORANGE stripe and it

may appear as a YELLOW wire with

ORANGE stripe. Do Not t-tap this

YeLLoW WIRe with PINK stripe!) Refer

to Figure 10 for the correct YELLOW

wire with ORANGE stripe pin number

and location. It is at pin #1. Apply

a generous amount of the supplied

dielectric grease into a T-tap and

install it on the YELLOW wire with

ORANGE stripe. Insert the BLUE Tcc

wire into this T-tap. See Figure 11


Find the YELLOW wire with light

BLUE stripe. Apply a generous amount

of the supplied dielectric grease into a

T-tap and install it on this wire. Insert

the GRAY Tcc wire into this T-tap. See

Figure 11. Proceed to Step 16 for

2004 automatic or proceed to Step 17

for 2005 automatic.

Figure 7