Velleman SPS1 User Manual
English – safety equipment set – sps1, Nederlands – veiligheidsuitrusting – sps1

V. 03 – 01/03/2013
©Velleman nv
Instructions for Using Your Safety Goggles (Available Separately as SP01)
Caution: These safety goggles do not provide unlimited eye protection. Read these instructions completely before use.
Requirements: These safety goggles comply with the requirements of the European Standard EN 166:2001 ―Personal eye-protection — Specifications‖.
Mark: The appropriate markings can be found on the lens and frame at the top: 0403 (FIOH Department of Physics).
Material declaration: No parts of these goggles which are in contact with the wearer are made of materials which are known to cause any skin irritation.
Storage: When not in use, it is recommended to store the goggles in a clean and dry plastic bag.
Directions for use: These goggles have been designed for your personal safety. They must be worn for the whole duration of exposure to hazards. Leave the work area if dizziness or irritation occurs, or if the
goggles become damaged.
Cleaning and maintenance: To maintain your goggles in good condition:
Do not use abrasive materials. Clean and rinse in warm soapy water and dry with a soft cloth.
Any part of the goggles which is in contact with the wearer shall be disinfected with alcohol.
Field of use: These safety goggles are designed to protect the user against eye injuries through mechanical impact, flying particles and droplets.
Replacement of spare parts, accessories and instructions for fitting: Only use original spare parts. To replace the lens, ensure the compatibility of the marking and make sure that the right lens is fitted.
Duration of use: Inspect regularly for damage. When the frame has become hard and brittle, the safety goggles must be replaced.
These goggles are suited for protection against moderate impact hazards but are NOT unbreakable.
Do not modify or alter the goggles.
A pitted or scratched lens reduces vision and seriously reduces protection. Replace immediately.
The materials which may come into contact with the wearer‘s skin can cause allergic reactions to susceptible individuals.
Always check with supervisory personnel to ensure you are being given proper protection relative to working conditions. Consult the applicable European standards.
Instructions for Using Your Earmuffs (Available Separately as EP-101)
Application: When worn properly and given adequate care, these earmuffs provides excellent protection filtering high frequency noise emanating from dynamic machines such as workshop equipment, motor
saws, etc.
Requirements: These earmuffs comply with the requirements of the European Directive 89/686/EEC annex II by means of the European Standard EN 352-1:2002 ―Hearing protectors — General requirements —
Part 1: Ear-Muffs‖.
Mark: The appropriate marking can be found on the cups. The CE mark was issued by the notified body: 0501 (CRITT SPORT LOISIRS – Zone du Sanital – 21 rue Albert Einstein – 81600 Chatellerault – France –
n° 0501).
1. Extend the headband to the maximum and place the cups over the ears with the headband passing over the head.
2. Settle the headband on the head while adjusting the height of the cups until they feel comfortable and the headband rests on top of the head to support the cups.
3. The ear cushions must fit snugly against the head.
4. Adjust the correct pressure on the head by bending the headband and ensuring an effective noise seal. Put on your earmuffs before exposing yourself to the noise. Wear them during the whole exposure.
Replacement: In order to keep the product in optimal working condition and to avoid any deterioration of the materials, please replace the whole product at least every 2-3 years. There are no replaceable
parts for this product. Do not attempt to replace any part. This may considerably reduce the offered protection; and may even destroy its overall structure.
1. These earmuffs belong to the ―range of small‖ and ―range of large‖ sizes. The earmuffs conform to EN 352-1 belong to the ―range of medium size‖ or the ―range of small size‖ or the ―range of large sizes‖. The
earmuffs belonging to the ―range of medium sizes‖ are suitable for most people. The earmuffs belonging to the ―range of small/large sizes‖ are designed to suit the people who earmuffs belonging to the
―range of medium sizes‖ are not suitable.
2. The earmuffs must be checked before each use. Do not use the earmuffs if there is any sign of damage. Put on your earmuffs before exposing yourself to the noise. Wear them during the whole exposure. The
offered protection will considerably diminish in case the recommendations in this manual are not observed.
3. This product may be adversely affected by certain chemical substances. For more information, contact the manufacturer.
4. Earmuffs, and the ear cups in particular, deteriorate with use and must be examined at regular intervals to detect cracks or leakage. Replace earmuffs after 2 to 3 years of normal use, or sooner if they show
any signs of deterioration.
5. The fitting of hygiene covers to the cushions may affect the acoustic performance of earmuffs.
Attenuation values: see end of this manual.
Weight of the earmuffs: 158 g
Cleaning: Clean with warm soapy water. Do not use organic solvents or alcohol.
1. It is required to disinfect the earmuffs every 3 months according to use.
2. Any part of the earmuffs in contact with the wearer shall be disinfected with a product suitable for use on plastics and not known to be harmful to the wearer.
Material: POM headband, ABS/HIPS cups, and soft PVC leather.
1. When not in use, it is recommended to store the earmuffs in a clean and dry plastic bag.
2. For models equipped with a PVC leather headband, it is not allowed to store the product at a temperature higher than 45 °C. The environmental-friendly material used for the PVC leather will deteriorate under
excessive temperatures either in transportation or storage over time.
Instructions for Using Your Particulate Respirator FFP1 (Available Separately as SP07)
Requirements: This particulate respirator complies with the requirements of the European Directive 89/686/CEE by means of the European Standard EN 149:2001.
Important: Single-use respirators against solid and liquid aerosols are classified according to one of three categories: FFP1, FFP2 and FFP3. Before reading the following information, please check the category to
which the respirator belongs. This is indicated on the packaging and on the respirator.
Applications: FFP1: protection against non-toxic solid and liquid aerosols (e.g. oil-mists) in concentrations up to 4.5 x MAC/OEL/TLV or 4 x APF. FFP2: protection against non-toxic and low-to-average toxicity
solid and liquid aerosols (e.g. oil-mists) in concentrations up to 12 x MAC/OEL/TLV or 10 x APF. FFP3: protection against non-toxic, low-to-average toxicity and high toxicity solid and liquid aerosols (e.g. oil-mists)
in concentrations up to 50 x MAC/OEL/TLV or 20 x APF.
Fitting instructions: 1. Hold the respirator in your hand with the nosepiece at your fingertips. Allow headbands to hang freely below hand. 2. Cup the respirator firmly against your face with the nosepiece on the
bridge of your nose. 3. Stretch and pull the lower headband over the head and position below your ears. Stretch and pull the top headband on the back of your head above your ears. 4. Respirators with
adjustable headbands only: while maintaining the position of the respirator, adjust tension by pulling tab of each headband. (Tension may be decreased by pushing out the back of the buckle). 5. Press soft
nosepiece to fit snugly around the nose. 6. (a) To test the fit for respirator without exhalation valve: Cup both hands over the respirator and exhale vigorously. (b) To test the fit for respirator with exhalation
valve: Cup both hands over the respirator and inhale sharply. You should feel a negative pressure inside the respirator. If air flows around your nose, tighten the nosepiece. If air leaks around the edges, reposition
the headband for better fit. 7. Change respirator immediately if breathing becomes difficult or respirator becomes damaged or distorted, or a proper face fit can not be maintained. Careful observance of these
instructions is an important step in safe respirator use.
Warning: 1. Failure to follow all instructions and limitations on the use of this product could reduce the effectiveness of respirator and result in sickness or death. 2. A properly selected respirator is essential to
protect your health. Before using this respirator, consult an Industrial Hygienist or Occupational Safety Professional to determine the suitability for your intended use. 3. This product does not supply oxygen. Use
only in adequately ventilated areas containing sufficient oxygen to support life. Do not use this respirator when oxygen concentration is less than 19 %. 4. Do not use when concentrations of contaminants are
immediately dangerous to health or life. 5. Do not use in explosive atmospheres. 6. Leave work area immediately and return to fresh air if (a) breathing becomes difficult, or (b) dizziness or other distress occurs.
7. Facial hairs or beards and certain facial characteristics may reduce the effectiveness of this respirator. 8. Never alter or modify this respirator in any way. 9. Only for single use. No maintenance necessary.
Discard the used respirator after single use. 10. Keep respirators in the display box away from direct sunlight until use.
Note: MAC = Maximum Admissible Concentration; OEL = Occupational Exposure Limit; TLV = Threshold Limit Value; APF = Assigned Protection Factor.
Handleiding voor veiligheidsbril (ook apart verkrijgbaar als SP01)
Opgelet: Deze veiligheidsbril biedt geen onbeperkte bescherming. Lees de handleiding volledig vóór gebruik.
Vereisten: Deze veiligheidsbril voldoet aan de vereisten van de Europese norm EN 166:2001 ‗Oogbescherming — Eisen‘.
Markering: De correcte markeringen staan op de lens en op het bovenste gedeelte van de montuur: 0403 (FIOH Department of Physics).
Verklaring over het materiaal: Geen enkel onderdeel van deze veiligheidsbril dat met de drager in contact komt is vervaardigd uit materialen waarvan bekend is dat ze huidirritatie veroorzaken.
Opslag: Het is aangeraden de veiligheidsbril na elk gebruik te bewaren in een propere en droge plastic zak.
Gebruik: Deze veiligheidsbril werd ontworpen voor uw eigen veiligheid. Draag de veiligheidsbril zolang u aan het gevaar bent blootgesteld. Verlaat de werkplaats in het geval van duizeligheid of irritatie, of indien
de veiligheidsbril beschadigd geraakt.
Reiniging en onderhoud: Om uw veiligheidsbril in goede staat te behouden:
Gebruik geen schuurmiddelen. Reinig en spoel af in warm zeepwater. Droog af met een zachte doek.
Ontsmet elk onderdeel dat direct met de drager in contact is geweest met behulp van alcohol.
Toepassingsgebied: Deze veiligheidsbril biedt bescherming tegen oogletsels door mechanische impact, rondvliegende partikels en druppels.
Vervangen van reserveonderdelen, accessoires en montageaanwijzingen: Gebruik enkel originele reserveonderdelen. Als u de lens vervangt, zorg ervoor dat de markeringen compatibel zijn en dat de
juiste lens gemonteerd wordt.
Gebruiksduur: Controleer regelmatig op beschadigingen. Vervang de veiligheidsbril als de montuur hard en broos is geworden.
Deze veiligheidsbril beschermt tegen matige schokken maar is NIET onbreekbaar.
Document Outline
- English – Safety equipment set – SPS1
- Nederlands – Veiligheidsuitrusting – SPS1
- Français – Équipement de sécurité – SPS1
- Español – Equipo de seguridad – SPS1
- Deutsch – Sicherheitsausrüstung – SPS1
- Português – Equipamento de segurança – SPS1
- Attenuation values – Akoestische verzwakkingswaarden – Valeurs d’affaiblissement acoustiques – Valores de atenuación acústicos – Akustische Dämpfungswerte – Valores de redução acústica