Features continued – Milton CAT PS360C User Manual

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The ballast compartments are
positioned with a calculated balance of
wheel to weight ratio. Internal-frame
baffles help prevent surges when water
ballast is used.
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The engine compartment offers easy
access to the powertrain components.
Routine maintenance points are
grouped together and easily accessible
though the large engine compartment
opening. Two gas struts assist in raising
the engine hood. Visual indicators for
the radiator coolant, hydraulic oil tank
level and air cleaner provide easy
Standard 500 hour oil service interval
reduces maintenance costs.
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Ground Contact Pressures
Ground contact pressures are measured
across the width of the tires. Changing
the tire pressure or altering the ballast
capacity will allow the PS-360C to
meet specific job requirements.
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Caterpillar Product Link System (CPLS)
The PS-360C includes an electrical
harness to accept the optional
Caterpillar Product Link System. The
Caterpillar Product Link System
simplifies machine tracking by
providing location and hour updates to
assist in scheduling of routine service.
Consult your Caterpillar Dealer for
purchasing information regarding which
Product Link version fits your needs.