VEGA VEGAPULS 67 (≥ 2.0.0 - ≥ 4.0.0) Foundation Fieldbus User Manual
Page 42

6 Set up with the indicating and adjustment module
VEGAPULS 67 • Foundation Fieldbus
curve is continuously updated. With the [OK] key, a submenu with
zoom functions is opened:
"X-Zoom": Zoom function for the meas. distance
"Y-Zoom": 1, 2, 5 and 10x signal magnification in "dB"
"Unzoom": Reset the presentation to the nominal measuring range
with single magnification
With the function "Echo curve memory" the echo curve can be saved
at the time of setup. This is generally recommended; for using the As-
set Management functions it is absolutely necessary. If possible, the
curve should be saved with a low level in the vessel.
With the adjustment software PACTware and the PC, the high resolu-
tion echo curve can be displayed and used to recognize signal
changes over the operating time. In addition, the echo curve of the
setup can be also displayed in the echo curve window and compared
with the actual echo curve.
The following circumstances cause interfering reflections and can
influence the measurement:
High sockets
Vessel installations such as struts
Buildup or welded joints on vessel walls
A false signal suppression detects, marks and saves these false sig-
nals so that they are no longer taken into account for level measure-
This should be done with the low level so that all potential interfering
reflections can be detected.
Proceed as follows:
1. Select the menu item "Additional settins" with [->] and confirm
with [OK]. With [->] you have to select the menu item "False
signal suppression" and confirm with [OK].
2. Confirm again with [OK].
3. Confirm again with [OK].
Diagnostics/Echo curve
Additional adjustments/
False signal suppression