3 parameter adjustment – VEGA VEGAPULS 67 (≥ 2.0.0 - ≥ 4.0.0) Foundation Fieldbus User Manual

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6 Set up with the indicating and adjustment module

VEGAPULS 67 • Foundation Fieldbus


– Edit parameter

– Save value

[->] key:

– Presentation change measured value

– Select list entry

– Select editing position

[+] key:

– Change value of the parameter

[ESC] key:

– interrupt input

– Jump to next higher menu

The sensor is adjusted via the four keys of the indicating and adjust-

ment module. The LC display indicates the individual menu items. The

functions of the individual keys are shown in the above illustration.

Approx. 10 minutes after the last pressing of a key, an automatic reset

to measured value indication is triggered. Any values not confirmed

with [OK] will not be saved.

6.3 Parameter adjustment

Through the parameter adjustment the instrument is adapted to the

application conditions. The parameter adjustment is carried out via an

adjustment menu.

The main menu is divided into five sections with the following func-


Setup: Settings, for example, for medium, application, vessel, adjust-

ment, damping
Display: Language setting, settings for the measured value indication

as well as lighting
Diagnosis: Information, e.g. on the instrument status, pointer, reli-

ability, simulation, echo curve
Further settings: e.g. instrument units, unit SV 2, false signal sup-

pression, linearization, date/time, reset, copy sensor data
Info: Instrument name, hardware and software version, calibration

date, device ID, instrument features
In the main menu point "Setup", the individual submenu points should

be selected subsequently and provided with the correct parameters

to ensure the optimum adjustment of the measurement. The proce-

dure is described in the following.

Each medium has different reflection properties. With liquids, further

interfering factors are fluctuation product surface and foam genera-

Adjustment system

Main menu
