The Old Mill-Troy OMT Performance Enhancer - Plant Extracts Enhancing Rumen Function User Manual

Omt performance enhancer, Plant extracts enhancing rumen function, How does omt performance enhancer work

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The Old Mill Troy, Inc. P.O. Box 567, North Troy, VT 05859. Phone: 1-802-988-4474

All products manufactured by The Old Mill Troy, Inc., are produced in a facility certified in the American

Feed Industry Association’s Safe Feed/Safe Food Certification Program. For details go to

OMT Performance Enhancer

Plant Extracts Enhancing Rumen Function

The key ingredients

in OMT Performance Enhancer are backed by national and international research in

early and mid lactation cows.

The active ingredients

(Eugenol and Cinnamaldehyde) used in OMT Performance Enhancer are

scientifically selected compounds from aromatic plants and spices. These active ingredients are protected from
volatilization in premixes and TMR’s by a patented ISO-FUSION encapsulation process. The encapsulation
process ensures the stability of the active ingredients as well as consistency of response.

Fourteen controlled trials were conducted and demonstrated a success rate of over 80%.

How does OMT Performance Enhancer Work?

OMT Performance Enhancer

Rumen Microbial Shift

Reduced Acetate and Methane

Reduced Ammonia N


Amino Acid Deamination

Increased Propionate & Butyrate

Increased Microbial Protein


Reduced MUN’s

Improved Energy Metabolism

Improved Protein Metabolism

Improved Milk Production


Milk Solids Yield