Renata SA COC Alkaline EU Battery directive User Manual

Renata ag

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Rev _2012-01-04

Renata SA

Tel. +41 (0)61 975 75 75

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CH-4452 Itingen/Switzerland

Fax. +41 (0)61 975 75 95


with EU Battery Directive 2006/66/EC

RENATA battery model

RENATA part description


Alkaline Coin Cell

This document certifies that the battery models as stated above and provided by Renata S.A.
are in compliance with the

EU Battery Directive No. 2006/66/EC of 6 September 2006.

The weight limits of heavy metals in battery are certified in the SGS test report SHAEC1204287910 dated April 6, 2012

February 14, 2012


Eric Weber CTO

Applicability of RoHS and WEEE directives on batteries:

The RoHS directive

The RoHS Recast Directive (2011/65/EU) of the European Parliament and of the Council of 08.07.2011 on the
restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronics equipment (RoHS Directive)
does not apply to batteries. (See preamble 14 of this directive)

The WEEE directive

Directive 2002/96/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27.01.2003 on waste electrical and
electronic equipment (WEEE Directive.)

Does apply to batteries and requires their removal and separate collection. Once removed from WEEE, used
batteries are governed by the Battery Directive 2006/66/EC.