5000 series

5000 Series
Standard Indicators
Multifunctional Indicators for Demanding Industrial Applications
The OHAUS 5000 series of multifunctional indicators is ideal for a range of applications in production,
packaging, warehouse, inventory, shipping and receiving areas. Ideal for bench and floor scale use, the
5000 series is available in both a dry-use, ABS plastic housing as well as a NEMA4X/IP66 water resistant
stainless steel housing. Both housings feature large, bright backlit displays, raised tactile keys, battery-
powered use (optional on T51XW), and are easy set-up and use. The 5000 series is the solution to your
weighing indicator applications that require multiple functions, rugged construction, comprehensive yet
intuitive software and multiple connectivity options.
Standard Features Include:
T51P features a high-impact, durable ABS plastic housing with reversible rear cover for either wall, column,
scale front, or table-top mounting
T51XW features an NEMA 4X/IP66 water resistant stainless steel housing with integral faceplace supports
for easy servicing
1:30,000 maximum displayed weighing resolution with temporary display of 10x readability in weighing
mode using quick key press
10,000 NTEP certified / Measurement Canada approved resolution
Quick display of results using large LCD with high-contrast white backlight
Easy to operate with 4-key membrane keypad with raised tactile keys
Weighs in one or more units: kg, g, lb, oz, lb:oz (decimal), metric tonnes and user-definable custom unit
Multiple weighing modes including Counting, Percent Weighing, Dynamic/Animal Weighing,
Checkweighing, and Display Hold
T51XW includes an internal universal switching power supply with hardwired line cord, T51P has the
same internal power supply with universal line cord or can be powered using 6 “C” batteries
(80 hour battery life) – Optional NiMH internal rechargeable power pack available for both
Includes RS232 interface with GMP/GLP data output including date and time
Optional interfaces include DC relay control kit, AC relay control kit, 2nd
RS232 and RS485/422
T51XW Indicator
T51P Indicator