Naxa NT-1907 User Manual

Page 14

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Befo re follo wing operat ions, i nsert a USB memo ry dev ice firs t, whic h con tains

Photo and M usic fil es.

Pres s SOU RCE b utton on uni t top o r remo te con trol to set the unit in Medi a mod e.

Phot o Playback

Music Playback

S elect p hoto it em in the ma in men u and press ENTE R butt on to e nter it .
Then pr ess EN TER b utton to ente r disc C.
P ress navigation but tons to selec t whic h phot o to be playe d, and then p ress

ENT ER bu tton to playb ack th e sele cted p hoto.

P ress LEFT or RIGH T navi gation button s to s elect w anted option , and then p ress

ente r button to c onfirm it.

P ress EXIT bu tton to hide t ool ba r, and then p ress E NTER button to dis play

tool bar ag ain.

P ress EXIT bu tton to return to pre vious menu page.

P ress EXIT bu tton to return to pre vious menu page.

S elect m usic i tem in the ma in me nu and press ENTE R butt on to e nter it .
Then pr ess EN TER b utton to ente r disc C.
P ress navigation but tons to selec t whic h song to be played , and then p ress

ENT ER bu tton to playb ack th e sele cted m usic file.

P ress LEFT or RIGH T navi gation button s to s elect w anted option , and then

pres s ente r button to c onfirm it.

Pres s SOU RCE b utton on the unit o r remo te con trol to set the unit in VGA mode.
Pres s MEN U butt on to d isplay the m ain me nu an d sele ct Setu p item . Then press

DOWN navig ation b utton to enter Setu p men u pag e.

Pres s UP o r DOW N nav igatio n butto n to se lect P C Sett ings a nd pre ss RIG HT

naviga tion bu tton o r ENT ER button to enter it.

1. H-Pos (Horizontal Position)

2. V-Pos (Vertica l Position)

3. Clock

4. Phase

Availab le rang e: 0-1 00.

Availab le rang e: 0-1 00.

Availab le rang e: 0-1 00.

Availab le rang e: 0-1 00.

5. Auto

If this item is e ntered , it wi ll adjus t the P C screen au tomatically.