Naxa NT-1907 User Manual
Page 11

1. Pic ture Mode
2. Brightnes s
3. Contras t
4. Color
5. Tint
6. Sharp ness
7. Color Temperature
8. Advanced Settings
Av ailabl e optio ns: Us er, St andard ,
D ynamic, Soft .
The valu e of Brightness ca n be adjusted
from 0-1 00.
Tint is adjustable on ly in c ertain TV sys tem.
T he va lue of Brightn ess/C ontras t/Tint /Sharp ness i s adju stable only
w hen Pi cture M ode i s User.
Av ailabl e optio ns: No rmal, Warm , Cool.
Av ailabl e optio ns: No rmal, Wide, Zoom , Cine ma.
Av ailabl e optio ns: Off, Low, Medi um, H igh.
Av ailabl e optio ns: On, Off.
Av ailabl e optio ns: Vi deo, G raphic .
The valu e of C ontras t can b e adju sted
from 0-1 00.
The valu e of C olor ca n be a djuste d from 0-100 .
The valu e of Tint can be ad justed from 0 -100.
The valu e of Sharpness ca n be adjusted from 0-100 .
A spect Ratio
N oise R educt ion
D ynami c Con trast
H DMI M ode
1 . Sound Mode
2 . Bass
3 . Treble
4 . Balanc e
Ava ilable o ptions: Stan dard, Music,
Mov ie, Sp orts, U ser.
The value of Bas s can be adju sted f rom
0-10 0.
The value of Treble can be ad justed from
0-10 0.
The value of Balance c an be adjusted from -50 t o 50.
The value of Ba ss/Tre ble/Ba lance is adju stable only when
Sou nd Mod e is U ser.
5 . MTS (Multi-channel Te le vision Sound)
6 . Audio Language
7 . Digita l Audio Output
8 . Surround Sound
9 . AVL (A uto Volume Le vel)
1 0. Spe aker
This item i s used to sel ect pre ferred sound track .
MT S is ad justab le onl y when view ing cha nnels which conta in rela ted
MTS information .
This item i s used to sel ect pre ferred audio langu age.
Ava ilable o ptions: Off, PCM, Raw.
Ava ilable o ptions: On, Off.
Ava ilable o ptions: On, Off.
This item i s used to turn on/off soun d outp ut of y our TV speakers.